Often, mediation makes more sense than litigation for a particular case. Mediation gives the parties greater control and the ability to custom-tailor an outcome both parties are agreeable with, as opposed to having an arbitrator or judge decide.  Costs of mediating are much lower than the cost of litigating.  Mediation is also a lot more time efficient.  Parties can have a settlement ready in as little as a few hours instead of waiting months and sometimes years in the court system, especially if a judgment is appealed.

Typically, my mediations are conducted in shuffle-style mediation.  Each party is placed in a separate room with the mediator “shuffling” in between.  All communications that take place in a given room are confidential unless the party gives express consent to share information.  While most employment and tort cases are better resolved in a shuffle-style mediation, there are situations where a joint caucus can be more conducive.  This often happens in smaller-scale business disputes, family law matters, and certain pro-se disputes.  The mediator will evaluate the situation and adjust accordingly.

Please submit your mediation briefs at least 48 hours prior to your mediation to allow adequate time for review.  Mediation briefs can be emailed to contact@kmediate.com and should be limited to 15 pages.  It is highly encouraged for you to exchange your mediation brief with the other party.  For a breakdown of fees, please refer to the “Rates” page.